Mittwoch, 30. November 2011

Brauner Bär by Eric Carle

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This wonderful book by Eric Carle is great for helping children learn the names of colours and animals in German and makes a marvellous resource for a performance poem.
The book can be read aloud and repeated by children as young as seven, and my Year 3 class have thoroughly enjoyed repeating the words and taking on different roles, as well as creating some original artwork for the different creatures in the book.
Take a look at the pictures and see if you can match them up to the words below:
      weißer Hund
      goldener Fisch
      lila Katze
      gelbe Ente
      brauner Bär
      roter Vogel
      blaues Pferd
      grüner Frosch
      schwarzes Schaf

Freitag, 11. November 2011

In meinem Koffer

Unscramble these words to find items to pack in your suitcase. Click on the pdf icon to link to the puzzle.

Clothes.pdf Download this file

Puzzled Pets

Can you solve this crossword? Small reward if you print it off and bring it to me at school! Click on the pdf icon to link to the puzzle.