Gummistiefel is a compound noun; that means it is one long word made of two shorter words put together. Gummi meaning rubber or gum; you may have heard of Gummibär already. German children buy sticks of Kaugummi; can you guess what it might be?
Stiefel is a cool word meaning boots. I like it because it makes me think of a pair of high heeled stiletto boots; it sounds like steeple! So Gummistiefel, have you worked out what they are yet?
The aim of kidzdeutsch is to provide a collection of activities and information to support younger children in their learning of German.
Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011
Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011
Deutsche Autos
Germany is home to many cars, ranging from the humble Trabant to the magnificent Mercedes-Benz. Today the country still manufactures Opels, Audis, Porsches, Smart Cars, Volkswagens (VW) and BMWs. If you are wondering, BMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke, Bavarian Motor Works, and it has its headquarters in Munich the Bavarian capital. Precision engineering is carried out exceptionally well in Germany and the country is serious about training its mechanical engineers. In 2010 BMW sold 1,224,280 BMW cars as well as tens of thousands of Minis, Rolls Royces and motorbikes.
Click on the image to view slideshow.
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Deutsche Autos |
Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011
Word of the Week: die Biene
Die Biene (pronounced dee beener) is somebody we all rely on. Bees gather nectar from flowers for their own food, and while doing this their bodies collect grains of pollen. The pollen grains then brush off onto other flowers and those flowers develop into seeds and fruit. Without bees a lot of our flowering plants would find it tough to survive. Bees do have a nasty sting but they only use it as a last resort!
Montag, 16. Mai 2011
Typing Umlauts and ß in German
To type German letters with umlauts and the ß go to which will take you to a page which shows you how to type them before copying and pasting them into your own words.
Transport and Housing Crossword
Can you fill in all the words? Bring it to me at school if you can.
Samstag, 14. Mai 2011
Die Sendung mit der Maus
Die Sendung mit der Maus is one of Germany's most successful and popular children's TV programmes. Literally The Programme with the Mouse, it features a mouse and an elephant. You can get a taste of it in the clip below.
Freitag, 13. Mai 2011
Puzzle it Out
How well do you know your housing vocabulary?
Das Wochenlied
These are the words to the song. I will post the sound file when I have worked out how to do it.
Am Montag gehe ich schwimmen.
Ich gehe schwimmen. Komm doch mit!
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag!
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag!
Was machst du am Dienstag?
Am Dienstag gehe ich Tennis spielen.
Ich gehe Tennis spielen. Komm doch mit!
Was machst du am Mittwoch?
Am Mittwoch gehe ich einkaufen.
Ich gehe einkaufen. Komm doch mit!
Was machst du am Donnerstag?
Am Donnerstag gehe ich Fußball spielen.
Ich gehe Fußball spielen. Komm doch mit!
Was machst du am Freitag?
Am Freitag gehe ich Fahrrad fahren.
Ich gehe Fahrrad fahren. Komm doch mit!
Was machst du am Samstag?
Am Samstag gehe ich tanzen.
Ich gehe tanzen. Komm doch mit.
Was machst du am Sonntag?
Am Sonntag bleib’ ich zu Hause.
Ich bleib’ zu Hause. Komm zu mir!
Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011
Word of the Week: Schnecken
This is one of those words which can have more than one meaning (in other words it's a homonym!)
Schnecken are small gastropods that carry round their own shells for protection and shelter. Birds feast on them and if they survive they love to nibble on dainty lettuces and other garden morsels.
Schnecken are small gastropods that carry round their own shells for protection and shelter. Birds feast on them and if they survive they love to nibble on dainty lettuces and other garden morsels.
The other kind of Schnecken is a delicacy that most people find irresistible. They are cinnamon flavoured buns that are eaten with coffee, and can be bought in the bakery or made at home. Leckere Schnecken! One just isn't enough!
Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011
Ich fahre mit dem Bus
The Powerpoint below will help you learn to use the words you need to say how you get to different places.
Word of the Week: das Luftkissenboot
A Luftkissenboot is a hovercraft, which is a vehicle that can travel across both land and water on a cushion of air.
Luft means air. Kissen means cushion. And Boot means boat. The Germans love to put nouns together to make longer nouns. Luftkissenboot is an example of this.
Luft means air. Kissen means cushion. And Boot means boat. The Germans love to put nouns together to make longer nouns. Luftkissenboot is an example of this.
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